Previous seasons

Here you will find information about all seasons dating back to 1991/2. Included will be league tables, results, top scorers and brief summaries of the seasons, though actual content will vary year by year. For some reason season 1996/7 season is missing.

Tribute should be paid to Ian McLeish, who is sadly no longer with us, who kept meticulous records and whose efforts are reproduced for the seasons up to 2000.

These may be accessed from the sub menu to the Previous Seasons option in the side bar menu or you may click the following links:

1991/2 | 1992/3 | 1993/4 | 1994/5 | 1995/6 | 1997/8 | 1998/9 | 1999/2000 | 2000/1 | 2001/2 | 2002/3 | 2003/4 | 2004/5 | 2005/6 | 2006/7 | 2007/8 | 2008/9 | 2009/10 | 2010/1 | 2011/2 | 2012/3 | 2013/4 | 2014/5 | 2015/6 | 2016/7 | 2017/8 | 2018/9 | 2019/20 | 2020/1 | 2021/2 | 2022/3 | 2023/4